Candor Reigns Supreme

Apathy and excuses are not substitutes for pride and dignity. Nowhere on the face of the earth— other than the African American—does a whole race of people let anybody and everybody call them out of their name, and get indignant about trying to address it. There is nothing chic or cool about Blacks referring to one another as niggas. Any self-respecting African American should find this practice to be appalling and totally unacceptable.

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Location: Los Angeles, California, United States

Life is a journey, it is an adventure and I try to keep my mind open and receptive to its many secrets that it has to share. I am free from all inhibitions, I am a free flowing spirit, allowing nothing to confine my mind, body and soul. I am sworn to no master and of no sect am I.

Monday, October 30, 2006

The N-word Lord and Master

What is wrong with this picture? During the mid 90s Michael Jackson included the words kike and hymie in one of his songs. The Jewish Defense League said no way, Michael ended up having to remove the words from his song along with issuing an apology. The Jewish community allows no one to degrade or demean them and you will never hear them demeaning or degrading themselves.

On the other hand there are Jewish executives making all kinds of money off the word nigga, and be laughing all the way to the bank. African American rappers who use nigga myriads of times in their songs are making mega millions, they too be laughing all the way to the bank. In the meantime, self-respect, pride, honor and dignity have been sold down the proverbial river, an apparent meaningless commodity to African Americans. It is not just the rappers there are the countless millions of other African Americans who are supportive of this demeaning and degrading act.

How does a race of people such as the African American who was once a proud and dignified race allow this to happen? The answer lies in the history of the n-word and the effect it has on the African American psyche. This word has literally been implanted into the hearts and minds of the African American for almost four centuries and has them captivated under its hypnotic spell. Unless you are a student of this word I would not be laughing, a terrible human tragedy took place during an infamous 250 plus years’ period, a tragedy that to this very day Blacks have never completely recovered from. They were conditioned and programmed to relate to this word and its destructive psychological powers. The burden is now on them to de-program themselves and put as much distance as they can between them and that satanic word nigga. This is a very serious matter and instead of African Americans getting indignant when this issues arises they need to open up their minds to the immense reality that the Willie Lynch Syndrome is alive and well.


Blogger Terron Hill said...

It's a damn shame but it's very much true. The Willie Lynch Syndrome is just as alive as the way the spirit of God should be in people's lives. I get so sick and tired of hearing that we are a strong race of people but yet we still defend all that is wrong and all that hinder us from total freedom and acceptance. We need to really come together and love one another without pulling one another down. Just imagine if the slave mentality didn't exist? Just imagine if we didn't always have that voice in our everyday lives that constantly tell us that we are nothing? Let's let God and our hearts lead the way to unity.

3:22 AM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey you commented on my blog about the "N" word recently, and I just read your blog about it also which was very True & Inciteful in a way. I wanted to know what did you mean by your comment "More light on the use of the N-word"???... Did you mean that I shed some insite on it or be "light" on the usage of the word?...

9:54 AM PDT  

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